continue for the question and answers


Question:Where can I find the stats in the game and their role in the game?
Description:I played in CBT3 and didn’t really get a good look at the stats while I was playing. I got a little too excited about just playing haha. But I was wondering, where on the site can I find the list of stats for characters, and what they do for your character? Thanks in advance!
Question:Is there an explanation somewhere of what every character stat does?
Description:For example, what do presence, strength, balance, etc. do?
Question:[Link Compilation] Help with Launcher Errors!
Got one of the following problems:

Getting a checksum error during the “applying the patch” stage?
Download bar is changing from “downloading” to “Retrieving manifest”?
Launcher keeps downloading and patching and loops over and over even before I login?
Error: ffffffff Fatal game client exception?
Insufficient Privileges?
Launcher login error – TERA has stopped working?
TERA launcher will not start?
Slow downloads?
The login page constantly refreshes. Website or Launcher?
My launcher resolution is bigger than my desktop resolution and I can’t click the play button?
When I restart my launcher during download, it starts the download all over again?
“Not enough disk space” error when you have plenty of space?

Question:Haven’t had the chance to try out the beta yet, wondering how well my old build would handle TERA.
Wondering if my old build could handle TERA, not worried about my new one but I’m still waiting for Ivy Bridge so I’ll have to use this for a while.