Tera Character Sorcerer Guide

Fire Pillar: Conjures a Fire Pilar right in front of the user, delivering several attacks to enemies inside it.


Mana Shield:Forms a magical shield which absorbs damage In accordance to the damage absorbed MP(Tera Gold) mil be consumed. It you absorb more damage then a set amount or if you run out of MP the effect wears oft.

Light of Destruction: Shoots a light orb of destruction straight ahead. Any target that gets hit will recieve a devastating attack. One target only.

Contract of Destruction: After using Contract of Destruction, the next skill used will deal more damage.

Bomb Toss: Tosses(Tera online Gold) a bomb forward, dealing damage to any targets

Sorcerers with their already strong skils have been given new skills to complement them. They’ve been improved to function better in close combat by receiving skills such as Fire Pillar which damages nearby enemies, and Mana Shield which reduces damage taken.

In their dream, there were twelve gods-typed beings as they were the first beings and imagined by the Titans. The gods began to fight and it was not long before. As they continue dreaming, new beings appeared, they were known as mortals. They were not so powerful, but they were huge in number. In the dream of Arun, there appeared the determined Elves, honor bound Amani, clever Humans, scheming Devas, powerful Giants and the mischievous Poporis. Similarly, Shara experienced dark fierce Wendigos, Sikandari, strange Faeries, serpentine Nagas, dark Gulas and Vampire. Move to the online gaming shop to buy Tera Gold at the most affordable cost.