The Moral Lesson I See In Guild Wars 2


The Different Races of Tyria Standing Together Against a Common Evil

As I was driving to work yesterday something profound hit me as I was thinking about Guild Wars 2 and that is the morale lesson and value in the game. I often think about Guild Wars 2 and about how I can help the community through my website but yesterday it dawned on me that in this game there are no alliances fighting each other or light side or dark side. There are no player sides that are good or evil, just different.

The game has 8 different races (Human, Norn, Asura, Sylvari and Charr) that are trying to coexist in the world of Tyria. The overall story of Guild Wars 2 is that there are these ancient dragons that have been asleep for a very long time yet without warning have awoken. Now awake these Elder Dragons cause cataclysmic damage to the land that threatens the lives of every living creature in Tyria. Many of the races have tried to fight the dragons alone only to suffer horrible defeat. The only way Tyria will be rid of these monsters is if the races can put their differences aside and work together for a common good–the survival of Tyria.

Living in peace on one’s own terms is what drew settlers and immigrants to theAmericas. It is still an ideal that we hold dear to today and we are willing to fight to defend that right. There are many different types of people in the world but none of them are inherently evil they are just different. Sometimes we can vilify certain groups because they think different and yes, there are times when individual people are evil but racial groups are not evil, just different.