The details of the Mining guide in 2007 Runescape Gold

how to mining ?
To mine, players need a pickaxe (the better the pickaxe and Mining level the quicker it is to mine the ores) that they have the required Mining level to mine with. Players should then choose where to mine, taking into consideration the proximity to a bank, and what ores are available. Players only need to left-click once on any rock containing ore to mine it (provided they have the level needed for that ore type). The obtained ores, gems, and essence can then be sold for profit, or used by the  rs gold  player for the Smithing, Crafting and Runecrafting skills.

rs gold

rs gold

Why we train mining?
If you look at the skill “mining” you might think to yourself “what a useless skill” or “what’s so fun about clicking on a rock?” Well you’re about to be proven wrong. Mining is a great skill. The reason to this is that it is a half Afk’able (away from keyboard) skill. And while you are waiting for the rock to be mined, you can talk to other people also mining, or just have fun doing something else. This skill is very useful for making money which will appear later on in this  runescape 2007 gold  guide. One of the great things about mining, is that the rock always respawns, so basicly you can mine infinite ores.
Fastest way of training
The fastest way of getting mining exp is Gold mining. To maximize your experience by mining rs gold you will start by typing the command ::hunt.
Once you have teleported to ::hunt Talk to the “fur trader” person and click teleport to ZONE 2! Once arrived, go to the most north-western of Brimhaven, et voilà!