Developers: main resignation does not affect the game

Recently, with the TERA “core research and development team PiaoRongXian people left the news spread, players are concerned about the prospect of the TERA”. But, according to the TERA “developers Bluehole studio revealed that in fact the TERA” early in the PiaoRongXian left the state development and updated. Bluehole studio says, because the lawsuit between company and NCSOFT, PiaoRongXian from April this year has no responsible for “TERA” development, by HuangZheXiong AD (art director) is responsible for the development of the game.

Therefore, HuangZheXiong AD is from the TERA “of large-scale making updates to beginning to be responsible for the development of the game before. That is now the players to play the TERA “is by HuangZheXiong AD development, not PiaoRongXian development.
At the same time, Bluehole studio also stressed that the PiaoRongXian departure will not to the TERA “the development and operation of any impact.
At present Bluehole studio is developing with the TERA “of the next update, and will be launched this month. Bluehole studio a, officials said PiaoRongXian recently for leaving is a true fact. But it is definitely not affected the development of the game.