Tera animal face types

Tera animal face types
In the class selection page, the creator gives you a preview of what a mid- or high-level outfit might look for your class, in case the endgame appearance of your character weighs more heavily in your decision-making than the actual play style. It’s here where you’ll also see that, while almost all of the female characters are heavily sexualized, so are several of the males. Equality! Almost…?
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Like other recent RPG character creation tools, you can stretch and skew the various facial features of your character, which varies based on the race. The nose and eye placements are a no-brainer, but the Popori editor lets you twist and lengthen the creature’s ears, and adjust how floppy they are. Excellent stuff. Unfortunately, the vocal options (the “hyah!” and “hurgh!” sounds from executing attacks) are shared across races, so the Popori sound just as burly and tough as the Aman. No adorable meowing or purring for them.

All but the Baraka, Elin and Popori races have two genders. The Popori and Elin are, despite differing appearances, male and female equivalents for the same race respectively, while the Baraka are male-only. After you’ve made your race and gender selection, you choose your class from the eight options available. The Berserker, Lancer, Slayer and Warrior classes are all primarily melee-focused, while the Archer, Sorcerer, Priest and Mystic classes use mostly ranged attacks. We’ll be looking at each of these classes a little more closely over the next couple days.

But the stand-out is without a doubt the Popori race. The group has a range of cute animal face types to choose from, including raccoons, bunny rabbits, several different puppy-faces, pandas, and kittens

It’s frankly amazing that playable chubby kittens aren’t on offer in more games. They absolutely should be. Check back tomorrow for a thorough look at melee combat in Tera.