The ability you will learn is called Shield Barrage and is your first major damage attack. This attack is good because it has multiple effects. It’s important to note that the ability is usable twice in succession. It will move you forward slightly when used, so it is a good way to move around an opponent while still doing damage. The second thing to note is that the second hit on the ability is a chance to stun your opponent. The stun is short, but there are a few ways to capitalize on it. I’ll go into that when we go over the next few abilities.

The next ability you learn is your main damage ability as a lancer is Spring Attack, more commonly referred to as your power attack. This attack is exactly like your basic attack, only it hits a lot harder but has a longer swing timer. There are certain combos you can actually you can use to remove the swing time, however. The first and easiest way to remove the swing timer is by using the ability I just mentioned, the Shield Barrage. If you use Shield Barrage twice and then use Spring Attack, Spring Attack will cast instantly. These two abilities together are a great way to first set up yourself in a good position and possibly stun your opponent and then hit them with a powerful blow. Another good way to remove the swing time on your Spring Attack is to use it after you use your basic attack three times in a row like this. This is a good way to get mana back on a boss and then get some damage in for some agro.
Your second ability that you start out with is called Stand Fast, also known as a Block. This ability makes you raise your shield up and protects you from all incoming damage from the front at the cost of mana per hit. It’s important to note that if mobs get behind you this ability will not work. It also drains mana more quickly based on the amount of damage you are blocking. The amount of damage you can block is relative to the amount listed on your current weapon.