TERA— council building or will not in MingChun appear

En Masse in the third week of the month without will through Twitter (social networking and micro blogging service website) hold a “TERA” product exchange activities. The last Friday of communication producer Brian Knox and community manager Evan Berman mentioned some note content.

One had said the council buildings are being program, may not be able to catch up with the game of the 2012 spring sale. Also mentions the game development team of some of the data (En Masse 70 people, the TERA “creation of the Korean Bluehole Studio has more than 200 people team). Finally, there are revealed in the next week PAX BBS activities promulgated the TERA “related significant content, all pay attention to it.

The TERA “can’t lock focus attack I’m afraid a lot of players to adapt to a period of time, the game play up the battle system is like money action game. If you don’t want to be shot, then need to avoid. If you are not in the weapons range, so don’t want to be playing hurt. The game battle rhythm soon, even if like “the slaughter (Slayer)” such a standard MMO skills slot damage output career, fighting up feeling also and other online games such as “world of warcraft” is different.