Tera PVP and PVE Reviews, Dungeon Guides

TERA has the potential to be a great game sale. However, from my experience so far,

the novelty of the combat system wears off at about post level 40 4. why tera?

Because you’re constantly fighting the same old monsters/bams that does the same old

shit over and over again gold. At best, they will recolor it and rename it. the

mechanics are entirely the same. Both archers and berserkers are pretty much unwanted

in end game PVE whereas slayers and sorcerers are highly sought after. They are

pretty much the best PVP / PVE class for range / melee dps.
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Regarding PVP, the game is pretty damn unbalance at the moment. You know there is a

problem when half the PVP server is filled with slayers / sorcerers. For every 1

berserker or archer, there will be 4 slayer / sorcerer. Slayer / sorcerers are just

way more forgiving compared to the other classes. they don’t require the same finesse

as the other classes to do well in PVP or PVE. no charging mechanic. Skills are way

easier to land. Better CCs etc. the crafting system is kind of dead right now. you

can’t craft any gear that is better than what you get from the dungeons. You

basically just craft them to upgrade an item you get from the dungeon. Alchemy is

pretty much the only craft that you can actually make anything useful from. Hopefully

things will get better especially PVP balancing. Right not its an utter joke. There

are too many game breaking PVP bugs that have yet to be fixed.

Regarding monster repeats, I’m in my mid-50’s and just did a quest with several BAM

types. One was a family of basilisks. Easy enough right? Nope, the parents power each

other up ridiculously when near each other so strategy is needed to keep them apart.

The final BAM was a naga that spewed fast insects of death when it slams the ground,

and if you don’t destroy the recurring pylon fast enough you get an instant party

wipe. Those fights, IMO, made grinding on the same old monsters worth it.