Join a Guild: Again this is an obvious tip really, but it cannot be overstated. Wondering the wilderness alone really isn’t what TERA is all about and due to the fact that guilds can number in the hundreds of players, leaders don’t tend to be very selective about who they want to join up. Make sure they speak the same language as you and have a large contingent of players who play at the same time of day as you do. This way your chat will always be filled with interesting banter and you can finally switch off the increasingly annoying ‘Area’ chat channel.
Tackle Instances on Your Own: On the starter island no instance is too difficult to be tackled on your own. In fact usually an AI healer henchman will join your instance if you’re under levelled. There’s only two instanced missions on the starter island and they don’t take too much skill to complete on your own. Just make sure your character is at the same level or above the suggested bar.
XP Allocation: As the vast majority of TERA’s quests take place in the world, it’s very easy to get involved in fights where you won’t get any XP. The first person who attacks an enemy claims ownership of their target and as long as they cause the majority of damage to he, she, or it they are granted the XP reward. Basically don’t attack anything that is already fighting, as you’ll be wasting your time. While in a group this effect is negated if you’re questing with a fellow aggressor. There were specific times during our playthrough where we thought we had killed a boss only for a higher DPS (damage per second) capable class to steam in and take all the credit. When this happens just wait for the monster/s to respawn and try again.
Getting to level 11 only took us a few hours using these tips as our guide. If you have any more feel free to put them in the comments below.